“Action is thy duty and the reward is not your concern.” You
know who said so? Lord Krishna and it is his birthday.
Happy Janmashtami ………
Happy Janmashtami ………

I take Lord Krishna as a Personality mentor. He taught so many secrets of life by living it. In one way his life is a living example of the way we should live.
like so many things about gods but I see them not following themselves. They
like the child Krishna because he was naughty and they worship him for his
nature and act but in the temple when a child, a son or a daughter does a
little mischief, it’s mother slap him tightly. We tell one thing but we don’t
act like that. Are we he hypocrite?
religion in my opinion is the art of living but due to our priest and religious
businessman it becomes like a trade. Now we sell and purchase God. We gift him
in expectation of reward. We offer oblation because we need something from him.
That is bad and sad.
we couldn’t use god in the proper manner. We made the idols and put him in a
temple or mosque, but we forget the God within.
must be our friend. We must reflect god in our living. Modern age is a lesion
told in the Mahabharta. How would people behave, what would be the role that
ambition would play? How would be the shape of relationships?
respect Krishna not for what he was but for what he lived. He lived like a
mentor, like a fun Programmer, like an Example, I also celebrate Janmashtami
but I don’t take fast, I enjoy my birthday by enjoying party so why should I be
fasting on the birthday of Lord.
So take fast or not is all upto you. But you better find
Krishna within yourself.
-Gappu Chaturvedi
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