Wednesday, 29 May 2013


         Days are changing and times are telling new stories. The republic day has come and gone and who remembers the country? Only a few; actually people now a days have short term memories.
I listened somewhere that the peacock sobs and cry even while dancing and the swan sings even while on the death bad. It is the fundamental fact of life; one can’t sleep on a sad night and who sleeps when they are happy.

Life goes by and the trail gets left. We should think ahead and March forward. Now people have forgot to love and care and share. They are busy keeping secrets, planning revenges and scaring themselves, that’s the reason that life is not happy. 
Once in a while a time comes in our life when we are judged. Life judges and give marks according the value that we put into it. Our actions and karma’s make life impress or depress with us. When life gets impress it gives us achievements and when it gets depressed the tensions, worries and failures just follow.
We will have to go back to the roots. Only those trees can stand high which spread their roots deep. Our life can be useful, happy and successful only if we go back to the basics.
The basics of a good life mean health, food and relations. We as modern beings have lost connection with the fundamentals. We are making castles in the air, No matter how rich we pretend but we are living a poor life.
Once a great poet said “What is this life, if full of care, we have no time to stand and stare”. That’s true. We have stopped observation and feeling and that is the reason why we are getting misunderstood.
Life is give and take. The chain of actions and reactions always continue, so as a mentor friend take me on the face value and remember that you should “Give to the word the best you have and the best will ever come back to you”    enjoy life

Sunday, 26 May 2013

Stuff and Structure

They had passion and the money.
They were willing to make a Tajmahal.

They had all the means only they needed was the stuff.
They rang the entire world and had called for all the building material. The load of trucks and ships were unloaded on the site. That was dump of multi billion rupees. They were happy. They had all the stuff available on their site. They wanted the have the Tajmahal. Will they have it?

Lesson: we first have a paradigm then we fill the stuff into the paradigm. This is how the great Tajmahals are made. This is how dreams are made come true.

Thursday, 23 May 2013

Go and get it

We are surrounded by thoughts and ideas and an idea can change your life as it is famously advertised. Life is all about the choices we make and chances we take.

Chances and opportunities are not rare commodities. Some people may differ with me but I have seen the opportunities falling from sky like the rain and sunshine.
It is that people don’t realize the simple things. That is why they are struggling and living a life of difficulties. Life is like a big market where everything can be purchased or sold. We must learn the skill to negotiate and bargain.
If we understand what we want or if we realize our dreams, it is only a matter of taking proper initiative. Make your plan and go with it.

Success and failure are in our mind. Whatever we fix our mind upon becomes the target of our desire. Desires added with our passion become our dreams and dreams that we don’t work upon become our failure and frustration.

Life should be used in a planned manner because this is only what we have; Time, Energy, and the stimulus is rare but chances are aplenty. Make your mind ready, get your purpose right, set your energies then go and get it.   

Tuesday, 21 May 2013

The bud that could not be the flower !

      She gently touched the little bud and asked when she would become a flower:  No, I can never be, replied the bud and started simmering:  why that was so , the girl asked, for every bud must be flower has been the rule of nature :  yes! You are right, the bud shabbily told but I am caught by the parasite and they are eating me up from inside. She went away without realizing the sense.


          The next morning the newspaper stories were full of crime against little girls and in the garden that bud was quelled down on earth by some rabbage dog. There was no body to nip that parasite into the bud. God was in heaven and Life was on the poor earth.

Sunday, 19 May 2013


I sometime strive to realize what does it take to be a successful person and what is a good life.  I discuss my ideas with my friends and they share what they feel.  A few things I wanna share with you, hope you would also be desiring for success.
Success is getting what you want. There are nearly 700 Crore people living in our world and their desires are unlimited. Some people want luxury, materialistic things and power. Some others crave for knowledge, respect and achievements. What does it take to be what one wants.
The literature available on success is vast because since the existence fall on us the man is pursuing dreams and these dreams become ambition. Generally speaking we need a few qualities to become successful. Life is a great teacher and it teaches through trial and error method sometimes people go for life as a free Martin and they lose. The others take it full Monty. Rewards depend on time, space and circumstances. It is up to a person of how he perceives the situations..
Negative attitude spoil the opportunities while positivity infuse the life and energy into them. How can we remain positive is worth a question to be concerned of. We should try for simplicity and knowledge. We must update and upgrade ourselves on the daily bases. We need to soothen our anxieties and nervousness. We should try to read different aspects of any situation of life.
We must give attention on ourselves, on our diet, whether mental diet or physical diet or emotional diet. Whatever we feed gets strong and live healthy, whatever we starve gets shrink and die down. We must find our choices right so that we can feed our positivity and starve the negatives so that we can serve the purpose for which life is provided to us.
Wish all the good in your journey of life.

Thursday, 16 May 2013


            One can dream of horizons bigger than the imagination but how you go about implementing those dreams, becomes the key to success. Mirrors don’t lie and the shadow never leaves the body. In the same way the dreams don’t die untill we do.
            Holi is just past and the colours of life might have drenched you; I wish you feel relax and forgiving because time will go its pace and life will reach some destinations, but the lacking remains; A few people who are no more, leave their footprints on our heart and they come to surface on such ocassions of happiness and sorrow:
            We dream for the things that we wanna have but we couldn’t get. We dream of happy relations and great achievements but common people don’t work over their dreams; Relationships are like electric current, wrong connections will give you shocks throughout your life but the right ones light up your life.
            Relations are insurance policies against loneliness, but they need to be renewed with premiums of regular rememberance, feelings, love and care. People don’t work over their relations and ultimately their dreams of happy people surrounding don’t come true.
            Dreams are not enough. They are the passive objects which don’t work actively. Dreams are worked upon and fulfilled. Dreams don’t fulfill themselves, rather we realize the dreams and work over them. Success is also a dream for many because they don’t apply the fundamentals in a correct manner.
            Success always embraces you in the private and failure always slaps the person in the public. We get what we work for. If we dream failure, we are bound to be there.
            We need to meditate on the course of our life and our dreams. Somebody asked with swami Vivekananda “What you gain by prayer and meditation?”. He answered, “Nothing, in fact I lost anger, depression, jealousy, irritation and insecurity.
            We have got nothing to lose, actually we brought nothing to this life and we can take nothing back, so whatever is, is this life. Let’s make our dreams come true.
            Life is only travelled once. Today’s moment becomes tomorrow’s memory and the memory doesn’t change. We can choose our moments that can become our memory, choose them right and choose them well because the dreams are not enough.

Wednesday, 15 May 2013


Life is the relationship of one matter form with the other. All sciences are trying to establish the relationship between time and space with life and achievements. Matter becomes the bridge highway and the soul becomes a car. Think for a while if you are driving the car of life or the car is driving you.
If you are driving the car of soul on the highway of life think where you can reach, what destinations you can achieve and what name you can make and what places you can go but in case the car is driving you, think for a while, where will you reach? Let me tell you: in the pit. Because where there is slope the movement will take place and the slopes ultimately reach to the bottom of the pit.
Relations are not the exams to get pass or fail and neither is it a competition to win or loose. Relations in my perception are a feeling in which you care for someone or something more than you. It’s like telling that they are more important and the urgent can wait for the important so do good generally to everyone without any expectation and as an old proverb says “Fragrance always stays in the hands of those who deliver it”.
So if you follow the rules of good relationship you will relate with yourself in the best way possible. It is that we don’t relate with others so we feel problems in relating with ourselves as well and when we lose the relation with the self only the matter remains. Happiness comes in the combination, success is a compound element.
We have to find the golden mean of relationship. We should try to get their standings and their destinations and we must go with our priorities balancing with their goals. If we get where we wanted, we become successful and if we suggest them how they can reach then they become successful.
Successful and happy people become the blend of relation and that becomes godly. God lives in small things and relation is one important home where god dwells. God resides in love, in knowledge, in passions and in emotions.
We the common people want so many things. Our desires go high in the sky and we even have no firm standing on the ground. I doubt whether we should reach there or repent later and life has no facility of cuts and retakes.
So let us learn relationship and maintain it. The most important relation is with the self, if we lose that we lose the value of life and then only the price remains: we should care and share ourselves, then we should try to relate better with others, without expectation or jealousy, without profit motif or greed without any ego or attachment. Great Buddha said “Attachment is a folly and detachment is a blunder”. Just relate better. Good Luck       

Sunday, 12 May 2013

Conditions Applied *

Once great Charlie Chaplin said “I have many problems in my life but my lips don’t know that. They always smile”. Life is beautiful if we know what to hide and what to slow.
Life is beautiful but as in the business market things are there but with conditions applied. Life is also beautiful but with lots of condition applied.
The first condition applicable is that you can’t please everyone. So never try for that otherwise you will remain a sad and pathetic soul.
The second condition is that you can’t hold the world in your hand. Actually life has concealed the treasure at so many places but we have got only two hands, so we must be aware while choosing the things and people. We can’t have them all:
The third condition is that there is reaction for every action. We reap what we sow. We get what we give. So we must be patient enough while choosing.
There are so many conditions applied and I can’t put them in black and white in just one article. Life is a library of ideas and lessons and we can’t have them in just one life so we must be ready to learn from others as well.
So like the legends of our ages we can learn and earn, we can apply and supply then life will reply. Programme your lips for smile and your ears to listen what is required. We go with the programme, sometime god programmes you and sometimes life gives you the training, but ultimately men become what they choose.
I wish all of us be happy and successful. I wish all of us enjoy the beauty of life but as the condition: says there will be reactions of our actions: I would suggest my readers to go with the manual of life. Read the conditions applied then get the day done.

Saturday, 11 May 2013

Are we the puppets?

I read somewhere that our hopes and dreams should be like hair and nail and no matter how many times they get cut but they never stop growing.
How true? Our hair and nails are programmed in our skin and you can’t fight against the programme. And even if you fight you can’t win.
Are we the puppets of the same disease called “Herd Mentality”. The perspective of life that the person marching ahead knows the way and it will take us to the rightful destination and the herd follow.
Our forefathers and freedom fighter did not sacrifice their life for the present we are in. Bhagat Singh couldn’t be happy if he sees the plight of modern India. Bose and Tilak can not feel at peace of their desire because their dream is yet a dream only. Who will dare to fulfill that dream?
They had hopes and dreams and sometimes the British quelled them and now the corrupt nexus of politicians and bureaucrats is exploiting it, but as the nails and hair grow again, our hopes and dreams get revived by time and passion.
This generation is lucky but lazy. The premium that we got as our history is not utilized by our people, the lessons are not learnt, the promises are not kept the dream is yet a dream.
I dare to call you on your face if you dream as they did. I am also a dreamer and I have always been a dreamer and I know that I am not the only one.
I am not a puppet but a master of my own fate, of my own choices and of my own life. Have a happy show and go on.