Sunday, 24 November 2013

अगला प्रधानमंत्री कौन ?

आंकलन करना होगा | और आंकलन होना भी चाहिए | आखिर यही वोह क्षमता है जिसके दम पर मानव सर्वश्रेठ प्राणी बनकर जीवन के जंगल का राजा बन गया है |
आपके अनुसार कौन बन सकता है ? जैसे ही मैंने पुछा, आप भी आंकलन करने लगे | आखिर जीवन ने हमे जो दिया और जीवन से हमे जो चाहिए इसमें हमारा चुनाव महतवपूर्ण है , और चुनाव से पहले हमे आंकलन की जरुरत होती है |

वर्त्तमान परिस्थितियों में कोई एक पार्टी बहुमत ला सके ऐसा संजोग तो किसी नेता कि कुंडली में नज़र नहीं आता |चाहे वोह 'नमो नमो' हो या 'शहजादे' | फिर क्या पटरी बैठेगी ? आंकड़े निर्धारित करते है  और जीवन औसत का खेल है |फिर या तो NDA सरकार बनाये या UPA .

15 वी लोकसभा में पार्टीवार सीटों का विवरण 

भारतीय राष्ट्रीय  कांग्रेस    206
भारतीय जनता पार्टी        116
समाजवादी पार्टी              22
बहुजन समज पार्टी          21
तृणमूल कांग्रेस                19
जनतादल (यूनाइटेड)       19
रिक्त स्थान                      04
नामित सदस्य                 02

कुल                                540 

अब विकल्पों पर  विचार करें | नरेंद्र मोदी, सुषमा स्वराज , नितीश कुमार, शरद पवार, अडवाणी , शिवराज सिंह चौहान , राहुल गांधी  या ?
या तो कोई भी हो सकता है | और यही भारत के लोकतंत्र कि मासूमियत है | शिवराज सिंह  चौहान तो मध्य प्रदेश में व्यस्त हैं , नितीश कुमार भी कुर्सी छोड़ने का जोखिन नहीं उठा पाएंगे | UPA का बहुमत रहा तो राहुल भैया प्रधानमंत्री बन सकते हैं | कांग्रेस के भ्रष्टाचार  भरे 5 साल कि सरकार के लिए भारत की जनता उन्हें पुरस्कार दे तो शायद ये सम्भव है पर शरद का दांव चल सकता है | अब बचे नरेंद्र मोदी , सुष्मा स्वराज और श्री लालक्रुष्ण आडवाणी |

मोदी का जादू चल रहा  है | लोकसभा में भजपा की सीटे बढ़ सकती हैं | पर अपने दम पर बहुमत ला पाना अभी किसी पार्टी के लिए सम्भव नहीं है | तो NDA  कि सम्भावना थोड़ी ज्यादा है | पर नरेंद्र मोदी के नाम पर लोग आसानी से मान जाएँ, लगता तो  नहीं है | नरेंद्र मोदी कि आक्रामक छवि के कारण कई लोग उन्हें गलत समझ बैठते हैं पर वोह एक वाककुशल , चिरंतन, दार्शनिक शासक बनने की  सारी  योग्यता रखते हैं | पर योग्यता काफी नहीं है | समीकरण फिर बैठना चाहिए |

सुषमा स्वराज के नाम पर शायद थोड़ी चर्चा हो | पर ज्यादा देर उनके बारे में सोचना सही नहीं होगा | अडवाणी जी ने ही अटलजी के साथ NDA चलाया था | वरिष्ठ हैं, छुपे रुस्तम हैं | मेरा आंकलन कहता है  कि आडवाणी जी का प्रधानमंत्री बनना सबसे जयदा सम्भव है आगे राम जाने |

आंकलन जरुरी है | आप भी अपना आंकलन कीजिये और साथ में दुआ भी | हमारा चुनाव महत्वपूर्ण है | हमारे पास विकल्प कम है | हमे इस समस्या पर ध्यान देना होगा | विकल्प बढ़ने होंगे | नहीं तो कोई भी और यदि जनता चाहे और अल्लाह मेहरबान हो तो दिग्विजय सिंह भी भारत के प्रधान मंत्री हो सकते हैं | कौन जाने ?
                                                     भारत माता कि जय !

                                                                                                                   -  गप्पू चतुर्वेदी   

Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Thank you Judiciary!

                   It was not the first time that our chosen representatives  (Parliament) worked against us and it was one more case of the judicious wisdom of our Constitution maker to put judiciary independent. Today on behalf of India I wanna say Thank you Judiciary.

                   They have brought the bill in favour of the criminals who could fight election even from jail. The BJP, congress and all other parties behaved like the chips of the same block. Thank you Mr. President to show them the mirror.
                    It was utterly soap oparic. A few of the ministers went through a short cut and planned to bring an ordinance. Our parliament worked through the ordinance without any discussion and the criminal were given a back seat entry into our representation.

                    Then Mahamahim  Dr. Pranab Mukharjee called on the ministers and asked “what hurry, what logic” . he might have refused to sign and the congress CEO Madam Soniya Gandhi got active and called her son Rahul Baba from America . Our Prime minister was in New York meeting Nawaz Sharif the PM of Pakistan.
                     Rahul baba called upon his ministers, raises upon his sleeves, opened his angry mouth and told his ministers to throw the ordinance into dustbin. Did he have any idea of the side effects? He knowingly or unknowingly belittled, humiliated and disgraced our Prime Minister.
                      Was he not informed already? Do his ministers not take his advice or was it a planned backtrack, whatever, but India is saved.
                      Thank you Mahamahim . Thank you supreme court. Your call of the “right to reject” fell like a hammer on dirty doers and criminals .They would now place ultimately will have proper representatives. Life is what u make of it and it is all based on our choices. Now it’s the turn of common people of how they choose. Last five years of Dr. Manmohan’s regime were like an eye opener. Have you started seeing the clear picture or are you still confuse. Make a better choice the next time.

                                                                          - Gappu Chaturvedi 

Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Nairobi – The Eye Opener

They used to pretend that terrorists belong to a particular community or the religion or the Social group. Send them to Kenya (Nairobi) and wash their faces. They might see the reality in the naked truth.

                Terrorist are not some downtrodden, poor mankind who are exploited rather they are cunning, mischievous, selfish son of a poor mentality.

                There is a close nexus of Politicians, Businessman, Rowdies and angry hooligans, together put, they become Mafia. They take terrorism as a profession for earning power and pelf.
                Terrorist’s source of money is variable. They earn by kidnapping and ransoms, they sell drugs, they smuggle and they blackmail. They force common people for paying undue money.
Religion is also used by the terrorist groups. They seek unemployed, poor youth and children and they give them training. They brainwash the minds and put them to the trade. They now recruit women as well.
                Man is a fear ridden creature and the terrorist use peoples fear as a potential product. They are anti society establishment and anti civilization.
                People feel terrorist are taking revenge. No they are business employee and the owners of the business of terrorism are the bureaucrats and politicians syndicated with Mafia.
                We need to check this trend at now else it would be late Terrorism is a mentality which is taking the shape of fashion. If people accept this the whole mankind will be suffering.
                I don’t understand sometimes why people and the leaders of Government let the grass grow under their feet. May be that they have profit at present but the future of their children is put into danger by themselves.
                God give peace to the souls. May this not happen again, but until we check it on the front face, nothing good is going to be seen or felt.
                            God Bless.

                                                                             -Gappu Chaturvedi 

Thursday, 12 September 2013

Why to play dirty?

                       In a Political scenario the vote bank is the key to measure a politician’s potential. It is the election time and many a minds are working overtime.
                       It was one time when people were happy to see a young face in Uttar Pradesh. People did really hope for a change. They were willing to give it to Akhilesh Yadav the CM of U.P.
Where we stand now after a few months? What is the report card of Akhilesh Yadav ; what happened to the dreams of people. They were playing for the hero but they intimately found the part of the gang.

            It is not a good feeling when our dream get shattered; Muzzafarnagar the birth place of saint Kabeer   was made the battleground for manipulate the political agenda. Saint Kabeer who can be taken as the best example of Indian Secularism, What would his soul be Feeling?
Some politicians feel that the people are fool but let me remind them of the people power. People are not the fools, actually they give chance to the leaders to show their act and people become the judge and keep giving them marks.
                      Life is a number game. When you increase your numbers you come higher on the ladder but the same ladder goes down as well.

                     It was an upward spiral for some politicians but they miss the boat and loose the opportunity. Now time will tell them where they stand.
                    It was not necessary to play down and dirty as they did. They could play beautiful with the power that they were given. But ultimately with their bad calculations they made a wrong choice.

                      With a person who has done his studies in the western university this type of foolish and selfish acts are uncalled for, you could get it playing clean so why to play dirty?
                                                                          -Gappu Chaturvedi

Tuesday, 10 September 2013

Ganpati Bappa Moriya !!!

               "God  is one. It’s Expressions are Many" 

God is the Generator, the Operator and the creator of the world. If we go on little soul searching we will get it in ourselves and we will find ourselves surrounded by it.
I am calling God with pronoun it become God is neither male nor female yet both and the all. Whatever is, is but the form and shape of God. And whatever is not there is also but the form of God.

Ganesha is believed as the “first worshipping “God. All good things start with his name. He works great things but his companion is a mouse. He is the son of Great lord Shiva ad Shakti (Parvati).
Now the next ten days the devotees will be focusing nothing else than him. Processions will be the center of the attractions and attentions. People will feel happy even in this sad and critical time.
Life is an automatic program. Nobody runs it and it never gets hanged or corrupt. All Gods are like utilities. They are there for the purpose. Ganesha goes with the programme of “The Vighna Harta” the trouble shooter, the destroyer of the problems and barriers.
Next ten days we will be going this programme and maybe we get him inside of us. Modern life is full of the troubles and barriers. Our political systems has become has become the biggest barrier in our happiness and progress. May lord Ganesha bestows us with his blessings and give the sagacity to our politicians.

Life is also but a procession of God. Let us adorn our surroundings. Let us distribute and cherish life which is like an oblation of God. Let us spread the aroma of our happiness and good living. Let us enjoy the temple of God that is our body.

On this great occasion I wish all of you a happy living. May Ganesha bless you with all tricks and success. May God give you all those good things that you desire.

                                                                        - Gappu Chaturvedi 

Friday, 6 September 2013

The Wish list

           हजारों ख्वाहिशें ऐसी,
                    के हर ख्वाहिश पे दम निकले .
           बहुत निकले मेरे अरमान
                    लेकिन फिर भी कम निकले.
Millions of desires and every desire takes a life to get fulfilled )
When Ghalib chanted this Philosophy he had no idea of the 21st century. Now those millions of desires have got converted into billions and trillions.

I also have a big wish list. I have fulfilled a few of them but god knows the wish list keeps on growing in points and bullets.
            Do you have your wish list prepared? If not, I would suggest you to prepare the dream book. In the life span one can fulfill many dreams but people go back to god without working on their dreams.
            In the heaven or on the deathbed God asks you of what have you done with those dreams? How many could you get fulfilled? Your conscience has to answer. You can’t run away from the questions of the inner self. You are bound to answer them.
If you have works over your dreams, god likes it. if you have not worked over, God says you to go back and work again.
            God and life are the teachers who want us to learn and understand the program; if we become a good student and get the utilities right the God bestows us with the rewards.
            Peace of mind, the internal harmony, the mundane desires and the achievements are all but the part of the Result. If God certifies you with these things means you were good students of life.
            Those people, who don’t have their wish list ready, go waste. Because they keep bus lettings life go by or they fulfill the dreams of others.
            I would like you to give a little time and attention on your desires and dreams. Because only then you can live a life fulfilled. The wish list acts like a map in the journey of life. If the targets and goal are tasked and fixed, you actually get them in time but if you are confused life doesn’t come to rescue you. You always get what you want, so be ready with your wish list.
                                                                              -Gappu Chaturvedi

Monday, 2 September 2013

Hey Congratulations!

Don’t you feel surprised? Oh yeah!
Congratulations for what?

                                Actually this is one thing that we stop sharing Greetings, good wishes and handshakes.
                                We need to be happy and we need to find good things around and they are there of course.  May be in finding the loopholes we stopped observing the strength, may be that in finding darkness around we stopped watching the light.
                                Our life is full of the negative vibes that are flowing through the people and procedures. Negative vibrations of tension and worries and Depression and Ego and so many this and that.
But good things are also there. If we don’t underestimate the power of good we will find them overpowering the bad. Had we not chosen this to be it would not have been possible?
                                A great scholar said “no one can hurt you without your own consent” in the same way no one can defeat you or frustrate you without your own consent.
                                In going ahead of the cut throat competition we forget to see around and realize that we have the competition with no one but our own selves. We don’t have to walk across anyone but our own self.
                                Congratulate people on small things. Don’t wait for their Birthday’s or the Marriage Anniversary. By congratulating you actually fire the spark of living in them and life enjoys it.
                                Be the motivating agent of a good living and life will bless you with all that you need. Congratulate your parents and tell them that you are privileged to have them. Greet your siblings and friends then congratulate Mother Nature to be so kind and giving.

                                I do it on regular basis and I get great smiles in return and these smile make my days. Congratulations to all of you for having this wonderful opportunity called life. Enjoy yourself and congratulate others.

                                                                          -Gappu chaturvedi


Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Do thy duty !

Action is thy duty and the reward is not your concern.” You know who said so? Lord Krishna and it is his birthday.
                            Happy Janmashtami ………
I take Lord Krishna as a Personality mentor. He taught so many secrets of life by living it. In one way his life is a living example of the way we should live.
                People like so many things about gods but I see them not following themselves. They like the child Krishna because he was naughty and they worship him for his nature and act but in the temple when a child, a son or a daughter does a little mischief, it’s mother slap him tightly. We tell one thing but we don’t act like that. Are we he hypocrite?
                The religion in my opinion is the art of living but due to our priest and religious businessman it becomes like a trade. Now we sell and purchase God. We gift him in expectation of reward. We offer oblation because we need something from him. That is bad and sad.
                Actually we couldn’t use god in the proper manner. We made the idols and put him in a temple or mosque, but we forget the God within.
                God must be our friend. We must reflect god in our living. Modern age is a lesion told in the Mahabharta. How would people behave, what would be the role that ambition would play? How would be the shape of relationships?
                I respect Krishna not for what he was but for what he lived. He lived like a mentor, like a fun Programmer, like an Example, I also celebrate Janmashtami but I don’t take fast, I enjoy my birthday by enjoying party so why should I be fasting on the birthday of Lord.
So take fast or not is all upto you. But you better find Krishna within yourself.

                                                                   -Gappu Chaturvedi 

Monday, 26 August 2013

A Bit of the Whole…

Is the freedom necessary?
I quite often realize that people can’t manage power and pelf. They get bog down with the pressures of Mr. Market. Mister Market that is time, world and the Life.
                We need to snatch the moment from the river of time. We shouldn’t keep flowing with the river; rather we are programmed for reaching somewhere particular.
                Are we reaching anywhere? Are these Saints are doing right thing in Ayodhya? Are these congress leaders worthy to be at where they are? Is Akhilesh Yadav the same young and dashing as it looked before UP assembly election?
                I know that the things change but why do the change for bad? Why not there is change which brings good to the common men. I feel a sense of education will do good to India.
                Mother India is in Pain for so long. First it was brutalized by the foreigners and now it’s own children are vandalizing it’s reputation. Sorry Mom! They don’t worth you.
                Now the game and the ball are in our court. We have to manage because our representatives are folly and care about you but they don’t, they play the game in which you are always bound to loose.
                Will Indian Rupee raise again? And will we ever be a happy citizen? Only by unfurling the flag we don’t become the free nation. But then who is responsible for all this.
                A Bit of our Leaders and a bit of our people or a bit of you and I.
India is our country and the responsibility lies on every one of us. A bit of you and a bit of me and a bit of all and a bit of the whole.

                                                                                                                                     -Gappu Chaturvedi 

Friday, 23 August 2013

Turn the tap off!

Suppose it is a perfect day. Good weather and the friends around. You are watching your favourite soap opera. You wish it keeps on going like this forever.
                Imagine a day that is perfect. Your favourite characters are showing on the tube but suddenly you listen the voice. You feel it’s the inner voice but when you close your eyes to find the source. You feel it is not inner rather it is coming from the wash room.
                You know there is a bucket and that has gone full. You know that the tap is running on and on. Drop by drop it had filled the bucket and now the bucket is oozing out.
                You turn your attention back on the T.V. you see the bigger picture of Life. You try to ignore the voice that is coming perennial to your ears but you are fed up with the drop that is falling down in the bucket and disturbing you time and again.
                Your friends tell you not to worry. Your mind is telling you to ignore but the ears can’t run away. They go back to that little noise coming from the wash room.
                You get up now and in the sprint of a second you reach the wash room and turn the tap off. Now you come back with tranquil state of mind and start enjoying the beauty of fun.
                                           Think Twice!
                Your mental tap is on and so is your emotional tap, dip, dip, dip drop by drop time is running out. The worry tap keeps flowing and so is the tap of anxiety.
                You feel life will get solve it’s problems one day. You feel this inner noise will stop sometime. Your friends and foes keep telling you this and that. Let me tell you the Golden words “Turn the tap off, and enjoy the melody of inner peace.”
                                                                         -Gappu Chaturvedi

Monday, 19 August 2013

Success is not about ___________

Not about fame, Not about Money nor is it about Ambition, not about winning, Success is not about ONLY this.

                The ultimate is not to win, but to reach within the depths of your capabilities and become the best you can possibly be.
                Success is about using ourselves in the best possible manner. Success is about having fun and sharing it, success is using the time to the full; success is about becoming what we are programmed for.
                Then why do people feel sad and bad, why they are not happy with LIFE, why they don’t get what they want, why there is jealousy and defeat in our World?
                As great R. W. Emerson puts it “Nature always wears the colors of the spirit” we get what we want, we want what our sprit suggests, but we forget our spirit and the so called social sprit and the team spirit and the ambition have taken over our own sense of spirit.
                We should keep dreaming and try to convert our dreams into reality. We should not buy back the junk of emotions and failures what we have sold can always be bought back but actually we pay more price and we get less stuff.
                Investment is not done for the Return on investment, Life and time have invested a lot in our spirit, Parents, Friends and teachers have always been investing in us but what is the result; The Return on investment, The ROI ?
                In holding one thing for too long we loose the opportunity of getting the other stuff. We hold tensions and worries for too long, now it’s the time to clean out your closet and channel your energies right.
                Success is not about loosing our life. Actually we are borne to reap the results and profits.

     Happy Rakshabandhan !

                                                                         - Gappu Chaturvedi 

Thursday, 15 August 2013

Happy Independence

I sometime feel lucky, in fact very lucky for I am free:
I am free to roam, to feed, to enjoy and to do my own thing.
                I remember those who didn't have this opportunity, who couldn't have fun of life. Who couldn't encash their time and who did not get what they wanted.

                I salute those martyrs who sacrificed their family, their dreams and their personal life for the country. They put the country above their personal interests, what a great breed of men they were.
                But independence has not served it’s purpose yet. Problems that were there in 1947 are still there; Poverty, Corruption, Unemployment, Nepotism, Castism and so on and so forth. The dream of a happy and prosperous India is still but a dream.
Is the freedom necessary? I ask with myself; yes! An emphatic  yes. Because we can celebrate, we can enjoy, we can unfurl the tricolours and have laddoos. But we have no sense of freedom, many a times we cross the limit.
India is a big network of more than 125 cr people. A few changes are required to fulfil the dream. We can, we easily can but who we are is a question worth asking.

                I am Indian and who you are? Decide and do the required.

                                                                           -Gappu Chaturvedi 

Tuesday, 13 August 2013

Wild Imaginations....

Man was born wild but the society domesticated him; when at the early age the men was trying to overcome difficulties, he suffered and survived but now when he has got the solution shops for all problems he is not interested in the product .
                When I see modern times I observe that there is luxury but people are not enjoying it; on the other hand these luxury things have snatched the power to survive out of man. Now the men are struggling more than ever:
                The imagination and the dreams don’t die natural death: they carry on in the genes, they come in blood; they go on till the man continues living and even after his death the dreams don’t die. They just go to the other person.
                In our society now a days there is a lot of corruption and sexual feelings, these are wild Imaginations.
The power and the energy moves a person and compel him to do those things which they do:
                Should there be any check on our emotional and the sensual tendencies?
Should there be our conscience telling us where the limit is? Should there be a life with wild imaginations roaming free?

I can just ask for your feedback as the life does. If people like it life gives it more. We get ultimately what we have asked for.

                                                                           -Gappu Chaturvedi 

Friday, 9 August 2013

Shame ! Damn ! Pakistaan !

Shame ! Damn !  Pakistaan !
                I sometime feel that life is not happy just because of a few whimsy cynical cowards. Cowards who could not win the world so they start crushing the humanity.
The recent events on the border are a proof to this. Pakistan is a coward nation that can’t see beyond it’s jealously; May god gives them some wisdom.
                What about Manmohan Singh , isn’t he the same ? A coward, who speaks nothing without permission of the high command and that high command doesn’t value the Indian sentiments.
                Leave it ! I feel it is not the right time to harp the revenge symphony; it is the festival time Ramadan is just over and our nation is celebrating Eid Mubark .
                Rakshabandhan is also coming near. Swan is the month of festival and people invest a lot of time and money, just to be happy.
                Why these silly fear mongers and the enemy of human goodness and the enemy of human goodness don’t realize a fundamental need of life to be happy. Why they crush happy emotions time and again.
                Damn Pakistaan !
                Shame Pakistaan !
We could be the partners in progress, we could share the happiness, But between the stimulus and the response, life is our own choice. We need a little wisdom to make a proper choice and that wisdom is lacking on both sides of the border.
                God Bless Us.

                God Bless Everyone .

Wednesday, 31 July 2013

Poor Politicians!

They say Rs 5 are enough for fulfilling hunger, someone says Rs 12 and the official statistic suggests Rs 27 are ample for a handful of Life.
                Poor Politicians! They don’t know that poverty is the state of mind and they are poor who can’t understand reality, who can’t sympathize with the problems and suffering people.
                Bloody hell with these politicians.  They increase their salary as and when they desire. So many amenities plus salary, even then their hunger doesn't get fulfilled, then they do corruption, they do scandals and steal the taxpayer’s money.
                Then they say they have done a lot and they credit themselves with the efforts. God give them a break or the knack. They look awkward and bogus as the people’s representative.
                Sorry poor!  You haven’t voted properly. The constitution had given you the right to choose but you didn't choose well, that’s why you are still facing hunger and poverty and unemployment and so many curable problems.       
                It’s high time! Elections are coming again, God bestows the chance to choose but again if you make the wrong choice, you will have to blame on yourself alone.
                Poor Politicians! Go back to hell where you have come from. The imps and the Ghosts as you were and still you are.
                God Bless India. May there be no Poverty. 
                May there be no Grief. 
                                                         Good Luck India!

                                                                                                                                                                                     -Gappu Chaturvedi 

Monday, 29 July 2013

Right Things or the Things Right!

Life goes with choices. The men you are, the man you become.
We plan for the things and they don’t go according our plan. Man proposes and the God in it`s capacity disposes.

             We should try not to do the right things. Actually when we make our choices, they are based on few alternates.
             On the other hand God in it’s capacity possess great many choices.
                Then our choices clash and satisfy we opt for what we had chosen. We start ignoring what the God Chosen for us. We become impudent to do our own thing and then we may do the right thing but we do that right thing wrongly.
                That doesn't make an impact and our chances get used and died. We start feeling guilty and depressed and shut.
                The spark is there and the spark neglected burns the fire. That fire in you needs fuel and that you find in society and ambition.   
                Life goes on perennial but you have got limited time. You get ignited and want to flow. You do and you found you have got wasted. You didn't feel good.
                You say sorry but things go out of our control. It is not necessary to do the things Right, Because there is nothing that is Right Or Wrong absolutely.
                                                                                                                                                                                       -Gappu Chaturvedi

Saturday, 27 July 2013

The Noise and Silence

They are brothers and they love each other.
Noise and silence were born with the world. The noise was extrovert while the silence live peacefully introvert. One day Noise fought with the Silence and ever since it is not happy.
              Silence could not put it’s point of View because of Noise, Because Noise could not understand the language of Silence. Actually the silence could be listened when it is both inside and out but Noise had no Silence within so it gave the deaf ear to Silence.
                The world now is running with the Fuel of Noise and it is going forth upright. But the world is not happy because it has lost a very good friend, the Silence.
                Someone said if you want the comfortable journey of Life then reduce the luggage of Expectations. But the Noise didn’t listen to the advice. Rather he was caught with ego and anger.
                            Now the world is suffering due to this friend trio. Noise, Ego and Anger. A kind of war started to save the humanity against this trio and the knowledge came forth but the Noise was not ready to listen.
                A few sagas and the learned men silently meet with Silence and bring it back to the world but silence refused to go to the society. Actually society was the part of gang which outcasted the silence and the silence had no liking left for the Society.
                I meet silence one day in my childhood and I fell in love with it, silence was my first crush, the baby love. As I grow the silence kept telling me the stories of past. Of the relationship with the noise and the after effects.
                Somebody said “when you be quiet, it dawns on you”. I have woken up but then I found that the world is in deep slumber and the noise has covered the sky.
                                                                         -Gappu Chaturvedi 

Sunday, 21 July 2013

The Guru

                Guru Purnima is coming on Monday. In my opinion it is one of the finest festivals which are started by the Indian great scholars.
                Guru is a great person, he possesses qualities such as patience, knowledge, love, giving, negotiating, care, share and so on and so forth.

                There is a vast difference between a Guru and a Teacher. The teacher actually teaches according the syllabus of exam on the other hand The Guru teaches the syllabus of LIFE. There starts the Guru’s Job. He teaches the skill (Gur) to survive in this world and take the best out of the opportunity called LIFE.
                We can learn from anybody and from anything if we are a good student, but the Guru instigate us for the knowledge while the teacher only provides the information.
                We need Guru’s in all walks of Life .Teacher are also very important but after the age of 25 we require Gurus.
                Indian has been the home to so many great Gurus. Mahadev (Shankarji ) had been the first Guru of this world.  Saptrishis, Great saints, scientist, great women from history are all but the great Gurus.
                I respect all the Gurus but now a days in the name of gurus a few Baba’s (bearded man ) have taken the charge like Nirmal Baba or Asharam ji , these people have spoiled the name of Guru.
                But with no  ill will I would salute all the Gurus of the world for making us the better people, for caring us, for sharing their knowledge .

                Thank you Guruji and have A happy Guru Purnima.

Wednesday, 17 July 2013

Hi! Facebook

Facebook has become the Pandora’s Box. So many secrets are uploaded every day and these secrets can play havoc if they are revealed. The recent case of the Juveniles Organizing the ‘sex and Smoke’ Party has been just an example.

                Now the Court had to interfere and warm Facebook to play reasonable. But the business people generally don’t care about the social consequences, Had they been a Little reasonable it would be hard for the children to join the social networking site.
Then they ask how to get rid of it and how to stop children not to join or carry on with what they do ; simple, They can ask for the certificate of age as the proof , May be their Intermediate Mark sheet or the Birth certificate. It’s not a very big Deal if they really feel to do it.

                I have no Problem with the Facebook, Actually it connects me with my people and that too without any much price to pay, But with every good thing the bad once follow. Now it’s upto our choices and decisions. Let’s take the Good Decisions and Ultimately make our Life Better .

Friday, 12 July 2013

Thank You Sir Judiciary

Madam legislative has disappointed us and it has done discredit to mother India . if you take the Executive, the legislative and the Judiciary as the three children of the mother India to carry on its agenda the Judiciary has Proven to be the Best Child.

               Agenda of Mother India that is already promulgated in the preface of our Constitution “We the People”. To make secularly, democratic, republic.
               Our executives have gone out of their reach and bow down to the greed and the Political pressure. Our Legislative that has gone wild and stopped caring about Mother India.
Thank you sir Judiciary.

                Your decision to ban the criminal against election contest your decision to bring the big fishes like BCCI to bring vender R.T.I. and so on and so forth. They are all gonna help the people and the dear children of Mother India, and Future will hail you Sir for your vision and your Precision.

                                Thank you sir Judiciary from the bottom of a Billion Heart. 

Saturday, 6 July 2013

Where have you been

Bhopal  is bitten with the crime bug. Suddenly things are becoming as they never were . I don’t understood what’s gone wrong ?

                Are we worthy to be called the Rape Capital, the heaven for the chain snatchers, eve teasers. Now the murder and that also in the broad day light on a traffic prone zone.
                There was a time in life of Bhopal when the bikes and cars were few. When the roads were wide and clean. When Bhopal was the green capital .
                I have seen that time before the Union Carbide incident namely the Gas Tragedy . Lot of the river has flown since than. Now Bhopal is the future city. Metro rail is coming to connect Bhopal with the suburban and the other regions.

                Are we ready to customize? Are we Proactive for the task ? Are we thinking ? 

Saturday, 29 June 2013

Bring back the glory

Life ultimately is a big market place and god has assigned us with the task. We are given birth for the treasure hunting. Treasure that is, dreams and projects.
                    Some people take life as a challenge and rum fighting . some others take life as a burden and keep shouldering with the heads bag down. Some people take life as a game and they enjoy while the other take life as a job and keep doing.   
 Life is an ocean. Hard to measure, Harder to cross .as some people go deep in the sea and come back with the pearls, some people just go on fishing and bring out a few, some people are drowned down by the forces of waves and currents. Yet some people just come back wet legs.

It is all upto us how we deal with life and what we bring back. Live proactive, get your  ideas clean of what is the project and how are you gonna invest your times and energies, keep track in your mind of what do you want as the return on investment.

Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Mind and the Matter

Some people have their mind over the matter and the others have matter over their mind. This world is full of variables and the constants. Some people take life as a matter of fact and some others try to find the facts of the matter.

Life is a thankless task for those who don’t enjoy. Suppose you are given a task and after performing task with your dedication and hard work you don’t get anything in return, not even thanks, so how would you think and how would you feel.
Life and time has invested so much on us, and as a strategist and professional, they want some return on their investment (ROI). But common people are so busy in the negative circle that they don’t give back anything to life and Time. They don’t even smile for life. They say no thanks. Think a little, how would have the life felt.  
We must enjoy so that life gets a little happy. We must have our mind over the matter and matter should not bother us. Matter is our choice. Life is good when we feel it so and life can be as we want, as we make of it.
Peace and happiness go hand in hand. We can’t be happy if we are not peaceful. The cacophony of modern life provides us no time for happiness and no opportunity for peace. If peace is not there happiness cannot stay. The birds of joy sing in the field of tranquility. Silence brings peace. Silence act as the fertilizer for the field of peace.

Mind makes this all happen and we forget to say thanks to ourselves, to our mind, to our body. Actually we don’t care for who we are.
I thank my mind everyday, I requested a few dreams and it honored my requests most graciously, thank you my mind for this peace and happiness.

Now the matter is in my control, Matter that is things, that is result that is emotions. My mind if at its place arranges everything for me. Matter follows mind. 

Sunday, 16 June 2013

Penny Wise, Pound Foolish !!

                 I care and then I dare. One thing I wanna tell about this world. May I Done? Penny wise Pound Foolish.

             Why have we no learnt from history that fright creates fight,Peace is necessary ingredient for progress. Do we realize what we are?

                People are living like creatures. Since the industrial age we have not changed our social tools; now it’s the high time to modify mankind and   govern it with the Modern version.
                I know what is the problem and they don’t have a clue make me feel uneasy. Our Experiences tell us what not to do , even than we keep doing that. Our Vision tells us what is necessary to be done and we lazily sit back and watch the soap operas.
                Men will have to care for the pound that we really are. Small pennies will take care of themselves and as the great saying goes “we all gonna reap what we have sown”.

Sow relationship, invest in our society. Make our world a Happy home for mankind.