Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Nairobi – The Eye Opener

They used to pretend that terrorists belong to a particular community or the religion or the Social group. Send them to Kenya (Nairobi) and wash their faces. They might see the reality in the naked truth.

                Terrorist are not some downtrodden, poor mankind who are exploited rather they are cunning, mischievous, selfish son of a poor mentality.

                There is a close nexus of Politicians, Businessman, Rowdies and angry hooligans, together put, they become Mafia. They take terrorism as a profession for earning power and pelf.
                Terrorist’s source of money is variable. They earn by kidnapping and ransoms, they sell drugs, they smuggle and they blackmail. They force common people for paying undue money.
Religion is also used by the terrorist groups. They seek unemployed, poor youth and children and they give them training. They brainwash the minds and put them to the trade. They now recruit women as well.
                Man is a fear ridden creature and the terrorist use peoples fear as a potential product. They are anti society establishment and anti civilization.
                People feel terrorist are taking revenge. No they are business employee and the owners of the business of terrorism are the bureaucrats and politicians syndicated with Mafia.
                We need to check this trend at now else it would be late Terrorism is a mentality which is taking the shape of fashion. If people accept this the whole mankind will be suffering.
                I don’t understand sometimes why people and the leaders of Government let the grass grow under their feet. May be that they have profit at present but the future of their children is put into danger by themselves.
                God give peace to the souls. May this not happen again, but until we check it on the front face, nothing good is going to be seen or felt.
                            God Bless.

                                                                             -Gappu Chaturvedi 

Thursday, 12 September 2013

Why to play dirty?

                       In a Political scenario the vote bank is the key to measure a politician’s potential. It is the election time and many a minds are working overtime.
                       It was one time when people were happy to see a young face in Uttar Pradesh. People did really hope for a change. They were willing to give it to Akhilesh Yadav the CM of U.P.
Where we stand now after a few months? What is the report card of Akhilesh Yadav ; what happened to the dreams of people. They were playing for the hero but they intimately found the part of the gang.

            It is not a good feeling when our dream get shattered; Muzzafarnagar the birth place of saint Kabeer   was made the battleground for manipulate the political agenda. Saint Kabeer who can be taken as the best example of Indian Secularism, What would his soul be Feeling?
Some politicians feel that the people are fool but let me remind them of the people power. People are not the fools, actually they give chance to the leaders to show their act and people become the judge and keep giving them marks.
                      Life is a number game. When you increase your numbers you come higher on the ladder but the same ladder goes down as well.

                     It was an upward spiral for some politicians but they miss the boat and loose the opportunity. Now time will tell them where they stand.
                    It was not necessary to play down and dirty as they did. They could play beautiful with the power that they were given. But ultimately with their bad calculations they made a wrong choice.

                      With a person who has done his studies in the western university this type of foolish and selfish acts are uncalled for, you could get it playing clean so why to play dirty?
                                                                          -Gappu Chaturvedi

Tuesday, 10 September 2013

Ganpati Bappa Moriya !!!

               "God  is one. It’s Expressions are Many" 

God is the Generator, the Operator and the creator of the world. If we go on little soul searching we will get it in ourselves and we will find ourselves surrounded by it.
I am calling God with pronoun it become God is neither male nor female yet both and the all. Whatever is, is but the form and shape of God. And whatever is not there is also but the form of God.

Ganesha is believed as the “first worshipping “God. All good things start with his name. He works great things but his companion is a mouse. He is the son of Great lord Shiva ad Shakti (Parvati).
Now the next ten days the devotees will be focusing nothing else than him. Processions will be the center of the attractions and attentions. People will feel happy even in this sad and critical time.
Life is an automatic program. Nobody runs it and it never gets hanged or corrupt. All Gods are like utilities. They are there for the purpose. Ganesha goes with the programme of “The Vighna Harta” the trouble shooter, the destroyer of the problems and barriers.
Next ten days we will be going this programme and maybe we get him inside of us. Modern life is full of the troubles and barriers. Our political systems has become has become the biggest barrier in our happiness and progress. May lord Ganesha bestows us with his blessings and give the sagacity to our politicians.

Life is also but a procession of God. Let us adorn our surroundings. Let us distribute and cherish life which is like an oblation of God. Let us spread the aroma of our happiness and good living. Let us enjoy the temple of God that is our body.

On this great occasion I wish all of you a happy living. May Ganesha bless you with all tricks and success. May God give you all those good things that you desire.

                                                                        - Gappu Chaturvedi 

Friday, 6 September 2013

The Wish list

           हजारों ख्वाहिशें ऐसी,
                    के हर ख्वाहिश पे दम निकले .
           बहुत निकले मेरे अरमान
                    लेकिन फिर भी कम निकले.
Millions of desires and every desire takes a life to get fulfilled )
When Ghalib chanted this Philosophy he had no idea of the 21st century. Now those millions of desires have got converted into billions and trillions.

I also have a big wish list. I have fulfilled a few of them but god knows the wish list keeps on growing in points and bullets.
            Do you have your wish list prepared? If not, I would suggest you to prepare the dream book. In the life span one can fulfill many dreams but people go back to god without working on their dreams.
            In the heaven or on the deathbed God asks you of what have you done with those dreams? How many could you get fulfilled? Your conscience has to answer. You can’t run away from the questions of the inner self. You are bound to answer them.
If you have works over your dreams, god likes it. if you have not worked over, God says you to go back and work again.
            God and life are the teachers who want us to learn and understand the program; if we become a good student and get the utilities right the God bestows us with the rewards.
            Peace of mind, the internal harmony, the mundane desires and the achievements are all but the part of the Result. If God certifies you with these things means you were good students of life.
            Those people, who don’t have their wish list ready, go waste. Because they keep bus lettings life go by or they fulfill the dreams of others.
            I would like you to give a little time and attention on your desires and dreams. Because only then you can live a life fulfilled. The wish list acts like a map in the journey of life. If the targets and goal are tasked and fixed, you actually get them in time but if you are confused life doesn’t come to rescue you. You always get what you want, so be ready with your wish list.
                                                                              -Gappu Chaturvedi

Monday, 2 September 2013

Hey Congratulations!

Don’t you feel surprised? Oh yeah!
Congratulations for what?

                                Actually this is one thing that we stop sharing Greetings, good wishes and handshakes.
                                We need to be happy and we need to find good things around and they are there of course.  May be in finding the loopholes we stopped observing the strength, may be that in finding darkness around we stopped watching the light.
                                Our life is full of the negative vibes that are flowing through the people and procedures. Negative vibrations of tension and worries and Depression and Ego and so many this and that.
But good things are also there. If we don’t underestimate the power of good we will find them overpowering the bad. Had we not chosen this to be it would not have been possible?
                                A great scholar said “no one can hurt you without your own consent” in the same way no one can defeat you or frustrate you without your own consent.
                                In going ahead of the cut throat competition we forget to see around and realize that we have the competition with no one but our own selves. We don’t have to walk across anyone but our own self.
                                Congratulate people on small things. Don’t wait for their Birthday’s or the Marriage Anniversary. By congratulating you actually fire the spark of living in them and life enjoys it.
                                Be the motivating agent of a good living and life will bless you with all that you need. Congratulate your parents and tell them that you are privileged to have them. Greet your siblings and friends then congratulate Mother Nature to be so kind and giving.

                                I do it on regular basis and I get great smiles in return and these smile make my days. Congratulations to all of you for having this wonderful opportunity called life. Enjoy yourself and congratulate others.

                                                                          -Gappu chaturvedi