Saturday, 29 June 2013

Bring back the glory

Life ultimately is a big market place and god has assigned us with the task. We are given birth for the treasure hunting. Treasure that is, dreams and projects.
                    Some people take life as a challenge and rum fighting . some others take life as a burden and keep shouldering with the heads bag down. Some people take life as a game and they enjoy while the other take life as a job and keep doing.   
 Life is an ocean. Hard to measure, Harder to cross .as some people go deep in the sea and come back with the pearls, some people just go on fishing and bring out a few, some people are drowned down by the forces of waves and currents. Yet some people just come back wet legs.

It is all upto us how we deal with life and what we bring back. Live proactive, get your  ideas clean of what is the project and how are you gonna invest your times and energies, keep track in your mind of what do you want as the return on investment.

Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Mind and the Matter

Some people have their mind over the matter and the others have matter over their mind. This world is full of variables and the constants. Some people take life as a matter of fact and some others try to find the facts of the matter.

Life is a thankless task for those who don’t enjoy. Suppose you are given a task and after performing task with your dedication and hard work you don’t get anything in return, not even thanks, so how would you think and how would you feel.
Life and time has invested so much on us, and as a strategist and professional, they want some return on their investment (ROI). But common people are so busy in the negative circle that they don’t give back anything to life and Time. They don’t even smile for life. They say no thanks. Think a little, how would have the life felt.  
We must enjoy so that life gets a little happy. We must have our mind over the matter and matter should not bother us. Matter is our choice. Life is good when we feel it so and life can be as we want, as we make of it.
Peace and happiness go hand in hand. We can’t be happy if we are not peaceful. The cacophony of modern life provides us no time for happiness and no opportunity for peace. If peace is not there happiness cannot stay. The birds of joy sing in the field of tranquility. Silence brings peace. Silence act as the fertilizer for the field of peace.

Mind makes this all happen and we forget to say thanks to ourselves, to our mind, to our body. Actually we don’t care for who we are.
I thank my mind everyday, I requested a few dreams and it honored my requests most graciously, thank you my mind for this peace and happiness.

Now the matter is in my control, Matter that is things, that is result that is emotions. My mind if at its place arranges everything for me. Matter follows mind. 

Sunday, 16 June 2013

Penny Wise, Pound Foolish !!

                 I care and then I dare. One thing I wanna tell about this world. May I Done? Penny wise Pound Foolish.

             Why have we no learnt from history that fright creates fight,Peace is necessary ingredient for progress. Do we realize what we are?

                People are living like creatures. Since the industrial age we have not changed our social tools; now it’s the high time to modify mankind and   govern it with the Modern version.
                I know what is the problem and they don’t have a clue make me feel uneasy. Our Experiences tell us what not to do , even than we keep doing that. Our Vision tells us what is necessary to be done and we lazily sit back and watch the soap operas.
                Men will have to care for the pound that we really are. Small pennies will take care of themselves and as the great saying goes “we all gonna reap what we have sown”.

Sow relationship, invest in our society. Make our world a Happy home for mankind. 

Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Why Advani ji ,Why ?

The drama that was played in the recent days had totally been uncalled for. Narendra  Modi’s elevation as the star campaigner was due and at this ripe age of life Advaniji should have played the caretaker and Mentor .

Life gives power and prestige not to many and with all that people’s love come to seldom. Advani ji had been in that elite group of personalities who have got power, prestige and love of people but he did waste all that in one political misconception.

Now let see how Modiji uses his Golden opportunity, he has become powerful and have a prestige but people love he can’t claim. Actually love can only be earned by the noble deeds. When you work for them with sympathy and grace they start loving you.
Now Advaniji has got the rest of his life to think what went wrong, where was that miscalculation held and in his soul searching mode he would be asking why did I ? Why did I?

Life give us second chance but are you proactive Advaniji ?

Monday, 10 June 2013

The Equation of LIFE

Things have been few but various perspectives make the world illusory. Versatility and variability is Natures pros and cons. Experiment is the right word to define the Equation of Life.
Management Guru, lawyer and the citizen activist Jagdeep  Chhokar  is one of the founders of the Association of Democratic Reforms (ADR), the NGO whose RTI  application brought national political parties under the ambit of transparency act. Now they will have to share their donors names and their investments.

Thank You Sir! Life is working with you to solve this puzzle of corruption.
We know the equation is complex but our minds are designed to decode and cut the problem into pieces. Then we pick the pieces and do one thing at a time.
                                Life is going for reasons unknown, variety is the essence of life. Would it we have more of the people like Jageep Chhokar  ji, Our salutes, India proud on You , Sir . Thank You. 

Friday, 7 June 2013

Sorry Love ! People Can’t Manage You

Love does that to fools. I heard someone singing.  ‘Jia’ the Bollywood diva died in Love. I don’t understand sometime what this phenomenon is. People fall in Love, they don’t Rise.

Love does that to fools, they hear silly voices.
Love does that to weak, their heart make choices. And they would make the same mistake.

Their heart does only break .Love does that to fool. We should enjoy and prosper rather we jealous and moan. Sorry Jia ! You could not manage Love. You die for it rather you should have lived for your fans.
Deep down in our heart I hope you would stay; but if you walk away!   

Monday, 3 June 2013


              Life is a school and we keep on having new lessons every passing day.
   I learn that we should not much explain and not much apologize. Never take help of tears to show your emotions and never take help of words to show your anger. A few things should not be brought to the public gaze.

One more lesson I learnt is about our behaviour and words: A tongue has no bone but it can break a heart forever: The same tongue has no glue but it can heal a broken heart. We should use our tongue in a proper manner and tone.

One other lesson I would like to share is about the experiments and mistakes or the trial and error. Actually we don’t need to do all the mistakes on our own, we can learn from other’s mistakes too. Life is about learning and updating. We should not bother much about what they say.

One important lesson I learnt is that in order to be successful in life we should always forget the problems that we should never forget the lessons that those problems have taught us. Lessons not learnt well, go waste and that is too precious a commodity to mismanage.
Another of my finding was that relations are important and they can’t be priced, rather relationship has value and by understanding a simple fact we can save many relations, A fact about people that they are not difficult rather they are different.

Life is a journey and the destinations are the milestones. Happiness always looks small if you hold, I in your hands. But when you learn to share it you will realize how big and precious that is.

Lessons make life and life becomes the lesson, both are complimentary, both are paradox. Learn your lessons well. Wish you enjoy all the colours of Holi, Happy festival.